Malloc, free and FFI

February 8, 2015
Yuras Shumovich

TL;DR You should always free memory with the same allocator that allocated it for you.

We’ll discuss two different sets of malloc and free functions. The first one is defined in Foreign.Marshal.Alloc, and the second one is part of C runtime. To distinguish them, I’ll use H-malloc and H-free names for Haskell functions, and C-malloc and C-free for C functions.

Actually H-malloc and H-free just call their C counterparts, so usually the same allocator is used in all this 4 functions. But that doesn’t mean that we can mix them. The documentation is clear:

-- |Free a block of memory that was allocated with 'malloc',
-- 'mallocBytes', 'realloc', 'reallocBytes', ''
-- or any of the @new@/X/ functions in "Foreign.Marshal.Array" or
-- "Foreign.C.String".
free :: Ptr a -> IO ()
free  = _free

Note that it enumerates all the cases when H-free can be used, and C-malloc is not listed here. There are two reasons for that. First of all, the implementation may be changed to use some other allocator.

(You can skip this paragraph, it contains some low level details.) The second reason is that sometimes your program happens to be linked with multiple versions of C runtime. That sounds strange, but it is a very real situation. For example, your program may load external plugin statically linked with C runtime other then yours. As a result you have three sets of malloc/free functions: one from Haskell, another from your C runtime, and one more from the plugin’s C runtime. The last two are probably incompatible, and you’ll get random failures if you are not careful enough.

The usual rule to avoid any issue with allocator is: you should deallocate memory in the same module where you allocated it. E.g. if you allocated memory in Haskell, then please free it in Haskell. If you allocated memory in C library, then please deallocate it in the same C library. (The same goes for dynamically loaded plugins.)

The reason I wrote about it? There is an issue on ghc bug tracker about replacing the allocator used in H-malloc. And I decided to check how often code on github relies on the current behavior (e.g. uses H-free to deallocate memory, that was allocated by C-malloc). I was surprised how common it is. Even RWH recommends wrong approach:

-- file: ch17/PCRE-compile.hs
compile :: ByteString -> [PCREOption] -> Either String Regex
compile str flags = unsafePerformIO $
  useAsCString str $ \pattern -> do
    alloca $ \errptr       -> do
    alloca $ \erroffset    -> do
        pcre_ptr <- c_pcre_compile pattern (combineOptions flags) errptr erroffset nullPtr
        if pcre_ptr == nullPtr
            then do
                err <- peekCString =<< peek errptr
                return (Left err)
            else do
                reg <- newForeignPtr finalizerFree pcre_ptr -- release with free()
                return (Right (Regex reg str))

Here the pcre_ptr is allocated somewhere in pcre C library (probably using C-malloc), and deallocated using H-free (via finalizerFree). This code works most of the time, but it is wrong. The correct approach would be to call C function to deallocate memory. Some C libraries provide a special function that guarantees to call the correct deallocator. In case of pcre it seems to be pcre_free, and it should be used here instead of H-free.

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